Crazy World

It’s true what they say about life: sometimes what’s here one day is gone the next, and what wasn’t here one day is here the next. Sometime I just wish that everything would get to the point of being just right, and stay there for a while. But nowadays, everything changes in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it’s exciting and wonderful, other times, it can be the total opposite.

For example, a family member of mine had recently reached the point of a promotion at her job. Less than a month later, her doctor told her she needed to start Preventative Chemotherapy for cancer, and the following week she was laid off. Now she and the rest of her family have COVID. Talk about bad luck.

Then, there are the more community-related things. What was a patch of woods or an open field is now a new neighborhood or strip mall. What was a 2-lane road is now a major highway. A local produce farm that had been around for generations is now a new school. Plus, just take a look at COVID-19. Everyone was just going about their daily lives until Friday March 13, 2020. A week later, everything was closed and people had to stay at home.

And then there are perfect weddings, people winning the multi-million dollar lottery, parents finding out they are grandparents, and folks running into childhood friends 50 years later, half way around the world. These are the sorts of things that make life so good, despite everything else. It’s all a giant balancing act, and you just have to hope that it leans a little more in your favor in the end.

Talk about a crazy world.

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