My Fan Art of Katsuki and Eijirou from My Hero Academia

Hello! Wow, I feel like I haven’t posted here in forever. Last year I was very busy. Studying for AP exams, juggling my after-school activities, and other obligations took up my time, so I had less time to do my favorite thing in the world: draw. Though I did sketch some doodles on my homework here and there, I didn’t make many completely finished digital or traditional paintings.

When I started drawing again this summer, I was out of practice. I became frustrated because nothing I made turned out the way I wanted. I know I’m always the one preaching about having confidence in your art, but I began losing confidence in my own. I felt like I was behind. There are so many people better than me, some much older and some younger.  However, there’s nothing wrong with that! Even though I’ve talked about this in all of my posts, it is SO important to work at your own pace. There are most likely people better than you at something, but so what? Look at the progress you’ve made, be proud of yourself and keep improving! This really works with any activity or passion, so I hope any of you reading this take my words to heart and apply them to your life.

If you’re still reading this, then let me talk about the actual picture I drew. As always, I drew it with my Wacom Intuos Pen Tablet Small (I wrote Intuos 5 on my last post, but that was a typo). In total, this took me like 4-5 hours? I split up the work in two days. The characters are from a series called My Hero Academia, which is all about a superhero high school training teens to be superheroes! The characters I drew are Katsuki Bakugou and Eijirou Kirishima. The one on the right, Katsuki, is really hot headed and kind of jerk, but Eijirou, the one with pointy teeth, brings out the best in him. They’re great friends, and I love their powerful dynamic! The outfits are based off the matching suits they wear in the upcoming My Hero Academia movie!

I’m still trying to figure out a good coloring style, so this serves as yet another experiment. I’ve learned that different shades of shadows and the smallest touches of detail really make a picture. I tried placing different colors in my shadows, like blues and yellows, as you can see. To be honest, the coloring looks kind of awkward in some places, but I’m still figuring out color theory and lighting. In the past, my coloring was a lot more bland, and sometimes it was too overwhelming; however, with more practice, I’m sure I can get it right!

This was a long post! I had a lot to say, I guess. In the future, I’m going to try to make more traditional art and step out of my comfort zone some more! Anyway, I hope you liked my drawing and please share some of yours! I’d really love to see some more art on here. As always, thank you so much for reading and remember to keep drawing!!

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