Top 5 three stooges shorts


Surely you have heard of the three stooges. Not the 2012 movie, because that uses actors who resembled the stooges, but the actual trio, who made 190 short films between 1934 and 1959. All 190 short films can be seen on a series of dvds called the Three Stooges Collection. The trio originally consisted of Moe Howard, Larry Fine, and Curly Howard. However, in 1947, Curly suffered a stroke during the filming of “Half Wits Holiday” and was replaced by his brother Shemp Howard. They made several more shorts until Shemp died in 1955 of a heart attack. He was replaced by comedian Joe Besser. So now that you have a little backstory, here are my top 5 favorite shorts.

5. Men in Black: This short is about the stooges being doctors that don’t know how to do their jobs. This short is pretty funny, especially the three running gags: Curly breaking the glass, the babbling intercom, and the hammer space gags.

4. Beer Barrel Polecats: This short is about the stooges getting arrested for making beer. The concept works well and has some weird jokes that surprisingly make sense

3. Shivering Sherlocks: The first short of the Shemp era on this list, the stooges are on the run after they get wrongly accused for a car robbery, but they soon are on the run from the real convicts. This short was a great way to show the stooges’ action abilities.

2. Malice in the Palace: This short has the stooges being hired to retrieve a diamond from one of their customers. Shemp is at his best here and Moe and Larry do a great job at acting

1.  Hoofs and Goofs: The only short on this list from the Joe era, the Joe cannot stop thinking of his dead sister, so Moe tricks him into thinking he will meet her that night. They meet a horse that turns out to be her reincarnated. Their sister is funny and they have pretty funny ways of hiding her from the landlord.

That is the list. If you want to see all of their shorts than all you have to do is buy the three stooges collection dvds. There are 8 dvds in the series, or you can look the shorts up on youtube, people upload them there.

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